The Project Process Stages

Stage 1
Project Selection
Stage 2
Feasibility Study
Stage 3
Project Design
Stage 4
Operational Planning
Stage 5
Stage 6
Sustaining the Project

1.1 Define the selection criteria and weightings 2.1 Identify stakeholders 3.1 Identify stakeholders 4.1 Identify stakeholders 5.1 Identify stakeholders 6.1 Continue stakeholder engagement
1.2 Score the project ideas 2.2 Describe the site 3.2 Describe the site and target species 4.2 Secure consents and permits 5.2 Implement biosecurity prevention 6.2 Continue biosecurity prevention
1.3 Inform the stakeholders 2.3 Describe the target species 3.3 Define the goal, objectives and outcomes

4.3 Resolve any identified issues 5.3 Train the team 6.3 Prepare for biosecurity incursion response
  2.4 Define the goal, objectives and outcomes 3.4 Describe the project approach 4.4 Describe the problem 5.4 Source the services 6.4 Commence biosecurity surveillance
  2.5 Start the can it be done? section 3.5 Plan stakeholder engagement 4.5 Plan the details of the eradication operation 5.5 Source the equipment 6.5 Respond to possible incursions
  2.6 Complete the site visit biosecurity assessment 3.6 Define the project governance 4.6 Plan how to manage the non-target species risks 5.6 Complete the remaining pre-operation tasks 6.6 Conduct post-operation monitoring
  2.7 Visit the site and update the can it be done? section 3.7 Define project outcome monitoring 4.7 Plan how to manage the environmental effects 5.7 Conduct a readiness check 6.7 Complete a project report
  2.8 Assess the feasibility of the project 3.8 Plan the project timeline 4.8 Plan the monitoring 5.8 Do pre-operational monitoring 6.8 Inform the stakeholders
  2.9 Complete the feasibility study report 3.9 Estimate project costs 4.9 Plan the biosecurity 5.9 Hold a pre-operation briefing  
  2.10 Inform the stakeholders 3.10 Plan the project risk management 4.10 Plan the safety of people 5.10 Conduct the eradication operation  
    3.11 Complete the project plan 4.11 Plan the logistics 5.11 Conduct post-operation tasks  
    3.12 Inform the stakeholders 4.12 Prepare an equipment list 5.12 Hold a post-operation debriefing  
      4.13 Plan the operation task schedule 5.13 Inform the stakeholders  
      4.14 Decide the eradication operation team    
      4.15 Complete the operational plan    
      4.16 Inform the stakeholders    

Printable version of the PII Project Process